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Special Issue

Volume: 23 Issue: Özel Sayı-Future of Europe: Reflections from Türkiye, 3/27/24

Year: 2024

Research Article

European Union, European Union-Turkiye Relations, European Studies, Turkish Foreign Policy

Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) is a leading refereed journal in its field, aimed at publishing original, high quality articles on the European Integration. Since 2001, the Review has been striving to accumulate and disseminate knowledge in the field of European Studies focusing inter alia on legal, economic, political and historical aspects of the integration process, both from theoretical and empirical perspectives. ARES aims to achieve a disciplinary balance between law, political science, economics and international relations. The editors are also open to submissions based in other social science disciplines. As well as full academic articles, book reviews and case studies/reviews/comments are also published in the Review. The Review is published bi-annually in June and December and in Turkish and English languages.

Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) is a leading refereed journal in its field, aimed at publishing original, high quality articles on the European Integration. Since 2001, the Review has been striving to accumulate and disseminate knowledge in the field of European Studies focusing inter alia on legal, economic, political and historical aspects of the integration process, both from theoretical and empirical perspectives. ARES aims to achieve a disciplinary balance between law, political science, economics and international relations. The editors are also open to submissions based in other social science disciplines. As well as full academic articles, book reviews and case studies/reviews/comments are also published in the Review. The Review is published bi-annually in June and December and in Turkish and English languages.

Works such as articles, case studies and book reviews can be sent to Ankara Review of European Studies.
• Works must be in Turkish or English.
• The works will be written in Times New Roman in Microsoft Word. Line spacing should be 1.5. 12 point font size should be used for text and 10 point font size should be used for footnotes.
• Articles should be between 6,000-10,000 words, including footnotes and bibliography. Case studies should be between 3000-5000 words, including footnotes and bibliography. Book reviews should be between 1500-2000 words. A similarity report is mandatory for article applications. During the file upload step, the similarity report will be prepared by excluding "quotations, text parts with overlap of less than 5 words and bibliography" and the result will be notified to the author by e-mail. When the result of the report is announced, the author will be able to complete the submission process.

• Articles should include a Turkish and English summary not exceeding 200 words and a maximum of 5 keywords in Turkish and English. For articles in foreign languages, journal editors may add Turkish abstracts and keywords when necessary.
• Sources used in the works should be given both in footnotes and in the bibliography. Reference style must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style. Please see https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html.
• In the subheading system to be used in the works, the first subheading is "I-II-III-...", the second subheading is "A-B-C-...", the third subheading is "1-2-3...", the fourth subheading is "a-b-c-...", the fifth subheading is "A-B-C-..." The subheading should be “i-ii-iii-…” and the sixth subheading should be “aa-bb-cc-…”.
• Tables, graphics and figures to be used in the works must be included in the main text file submitted. Graphs, figures and tables must be in JPEG, GIF, BMP or Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX) format. The graph, figure or table must be small enough to fit on an A4 page.
• Tables, graphs and figures should be numbered sequentially and should be the same numbering used in the text.

Ethical Principles:
• Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) complies with all the guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). For guidelines, see https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines
• Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) evaluates the works in accordance with the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.
• It is the responsibility of the responsible author to determine and report the list and order of authors contributing to the work.
• It is up to the responsible author to indicate the individuals and organizations that made significant financial and technical contributions to the publication of the article.
• Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) publishes only original works. Articles to be sent to the journal must be the author(s') own work and must not be published elsewhere or in the process of being published. While a work is being evaluated for publication, it cannot be sent to another journal. Studies submitted to more than one journal at the same time and studies that violate legal and academic criteria such as copyrights and/or plagiarism are not evaluated, and the process of those found to be in violation at any evaluation stage is stopped immediately.
• If plagiarism or other ethical violations are detected for an already published work, the relevant work will be withdrawn. If an article must be retracted due to misconduct or honest mistake, the article will be formally retracted as outlined in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Retraction Guidelines. For the guide in question, see https://publicationethics.org/retraction-guidelines
• Author(s) can disclose all conflicts of interest, including institutional, financial, personal and academic conflicts of interest.
• Authors must submit ethics committee approval to the journal for studies that require ethics committee approval. Information regarding Ethics Committee approval (name of the ethics committee, number and date of the approval document) should be stated in the article. Evidence of sensitivity to ethical issues during the data collection process (such as obtaining permission to use scales, surveys, and photographs belonging to others) must be presented within the study. Anonymity must be ensured and participants must be informed accordingly. In studies involving such methods, the author(s) must state that they have obtained informed consent from the participants in their work.
• The author(s) must present the raw data of their research when requested by the editor and referees and keep these data after their articles are published.

Publication Policy:
• Submission and tracking of works in Turkish or English is done electronically via the Dergi Park UDS system, on our website https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/aacd.
• The works sent to Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) must be checked to determine whether they are written in accordance with the spelling rules before proceeding to the evaluation stage, and the plagiarism report (in the intihal.net plagiarism control program, the total similarity of the report is made by excluding "quotations, text parts containing less than 5 words overlap and bibliography") rate should be below 15%, and the similarity with a single work should be below 4%.) and it is checked whether the journal is within the scope of the subject. Editors have the right to reject the article without initiating the referee process, on grounds such as the works not complying with the journal's publishing principles and policies and/or writing rules, the subject of the work not falling within the scope of the journal, or the work needing further development. The author(s) will be informed about the relevant decision within 7 business days.
• If the work submitted to the journal complies with the publication criteria, it is sent to two separate referees for evaluation using the blind referee method within 14 working days. In this process, authors and reviewers are unaware of each other throughout the process. Referees submit their evaluations to the editors in the form of a report within 20 business days. If two referees express different opinions, a third referee's opinion is sought. Pending recommendations from referees, a manuscript may be accepted, rejected, or require revision. In the latter case, the author(s) are given a period not exceeding 30 working days to resubmit a revised version of the manuscript, based on and addressing the reviewers' comments. This process is repeated until a paper is definitively accepted or rejected. After the positive evaluation of the submitted articles by at least two referees, the Editors and the Editorial Board decide which issue of the Journal will be published. Even if the articles receive a positive opinion from the referees, it depends on the decision of the Editorial Board whether the articles will be published or not.
• Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) is an open access journal. Each article can be accessed in full text on the journal's website, starting from the date of publication, under the Creative Commons License of CC BY-NC-ND, without any restrictions or delays. For more information about this type of licensing, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.

Ankara Review of European Studies does not charge article processing charges or submission charges.


Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) is licenced under the Creative Commons License of CC BY-NC-ND license.